A ‘Remember Me’ type functionality is something that is available on most websites today. Essentially what it does is that if the checkbox is checked when logging in, the session is kept logged in for a much longer duration (say a week or month). Otherwise, when you close the browser, the session terminates and you have to log in again the next time you visit the site.
In golang, it is implemented easily using the gorilla toolkit. In this example we will be using the sessions package. The basic idea is as follows:
On startup, create a session store. This is a place where session information will be stored. You can store sessions inside of a cookie (some pros/cons here) or a database table (different pros/cons here). We will use a database table and a pgstore extension to help us with that.
When a request comes in, extract the session id from the cookie. If the session id is present in your DB, load it. The session data should tell you if the person is logged in already or not. If logged in, proceed. If not, redirect to a login page.
When the login request comes in, check if the “remember me” box is checked. If it is not checked, set the session to expire when the browser is closed i.e. set a cookie with the MaxAge as 0. If checked, set the session to expire after a much longer duration, say a week. i.e. set a cookie with the MaxAge as 86400 * 7
You can store any type of data you want to remember b/w sessions in the sessions store. The cookie, which is stored on the client browser, will typically contain a session id i.e. the id of the postgres row which contains your session data (don’t store any confidential info like emails or user ids in the client side cookie).
We will first show the code to do the above and then show that it does not actually work ! The problem and fix is outlined next.
varsessionStore*pgstore.PGStoretypeSessionDatastruct {
funcinit() {
// psqlInfo will contain ur db connection info in the format: "host=%s port=%d user=%s password=%s dbname=%s sslmode=disable"
sessionStore, err = pgstore.NewPGStore(psqlInfo, []byte(os.Getenv("YOUR_AUTH_KEY")))
// Load the session in a middleware
funcsessionMiddleware(nexthttp.Handler) http.Handler {
returnhttp.HandlerFunc(func(whttp.ResponseWriter, r*http.Request) {
session, err:=sessionStore.Get(r, CookieName)
iferr!=nil {
// redirect the user to the home page
ctx:=context.WithValue(r.Context(), SessionCtxKey, session)
next.ServeHTTP(w, r.WithContext(ctx))
funchandleLogin(whttp.ResponseWriter, r*http.Request) {
// check the login here, return if no good
// user login checks out fine
ifr.FormValue("rememberme") =="on" {
session.Options.MaxAge = 86400*7// 1 week
} else {
session.Options.MaxAge = 0
vardata*SessionDatadata = &SessionData{
// store anything you want here like a user_id, authenticated or not etc
session.Values["data"] = dataerr = session.Save(r, w)
// The user is logged in now...
http.Redirect(w, r, "/dashboard", http.StatusFound)
But it does not work !
Only problem is, the above does not actually work. If you log in with the “remember me” checked and you examine the cookie after logging in, you will see that it is still a session cookie i.e. it will expire after the browser is closed !
The reason it is happening is that when the new request comes in after logging in, the session parameters are reset to the default of the toolkit. The session data from the DB will be there, but the options on the request session like MaxAge etc will be set to the default of the framework. e.g.
funcauthMiddleware(nexthttp.Handler) http.Handler {
returnhttp.HandlerFunc(func(whttp.ResponseWriter, r*http.Request) {
ifsession.IsNew==true {
http.Redirect(w, r, "/login", http.StatusFound)
cd, ok:=val.(SessionData)
if !ok {
http.Redirect(w, r, "/login", http.StatusFound)
// At this point cd contains all the data you stored in the DB for the session
// However the properties like session.Options.MaxAge are set to the default which is probably 0
// i.e. you get back to a session cookie
The fix
In order to fix this, we need to store information about the expiry time in the session data and then when we pull the session data out, update the request session properties. We can change it like so: